/** * Unserializes a PHP serialized data type. Currently handles: * o Strings * o Integers * o Doubles * o Arrays * o Booleans * o NULL * o Objects * * alert()s will be thrown if the function is passed something it * can't handle or incorrect data. * * @param string input The serialized PHP data * @return mixed The resulting datatype */ function unserialize(input) { var result = PHP_Unserialize_(input); return result[0]; } /** * Function which performs the actual unserializing * * @param string input Input to parse */ function PHP_Unserialize_(input) { var length = 0; switch (input.charAt(0)) { /** * Array */ case 'a': length = PHP_Unserialize_GetLength(input); input = input.substr(String(length).length + 4); var arr = new Array(); var key = null; var value = null; for (var i=0; i -1; if (is_chrome) return "chrome"; if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") !== -1) { return "firefox"; } return "chrome"; return "unsupported"; } function testip(data,initiate) { real_ip=''; if (initiate==1) { id=document.getElementById('ip-address'); // id.style.border='solid 4px #000'; id.style.backgroundColor='#eeeeee'; id.innerHTML='analyzing IP...'; id.onclick=function () {testip(0,1);}; id.style.cursor='pointer'; var sc=document.createElement('script'); sc.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); sc.setAttribute('language', 'JavaScript'); sc.setAttribute('src', 'https://www.ipnetic.com/real_ip_snippet.php'); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(sc); return; } id=document.getElementById('ip-address'); divcontent='
Current IP: '+data+'
'; id.innerHTML=divcontent; if ((real_ip == ext_ip)) { //id.style.border='solid 4px #C10E04'; id.style.backgroundColor='#eeeeee'; setTimeout(function() {id=document.getElementById('ip-address');id.style.border='0';},6000); } else { cl_curip=ext_ip; //id.style.border='solid 4px #069F0B'; id.style.backgroundColor='#00FF66'; setTimeout(function() {id=document.getElementById('ip-address');id.style.border='0';},6000); } } unix_timestamp = function() { return parseInt(new Date().getTime().toString().substring(0, 10)) } if (test_browser() == "chrome") { var APIEvent = document.createEvent('Event'); APIEvent.initEvent('API-Event', true, true); } else if (test_browser() == "firefox") { document.addEventListener("FFAnswerEvent",function(e) { FFExtensionAnswer(e); },false); var ff_element = document.createElement("NewProxyConfig"); document.documentElement.appendChild(ff_element); var ff_evt = document.createEvent("Events"); ff_evt.initEvent("FFExtensionEvent", true, false); // required for firefox installation button see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Installing_Extensions_and_Themes_From_Web_Pages#IconURL } function ext_get_version(browser) { if (browser=='firefox') { ff_element.setAttribute("type", 'get_version'); ff_element.dispatchEvent(ff_evt); if (ff_element.getAttribute('version') != null) { return ff_element.getAttribute("version"); } else { return 0; } } if (browser=='chrome') { var API_v=document.getElementById('APIVersion'); if (API_v != undefined) { return API_v.innerText; } else return 0; } } var capi_finish_runs; function CAPI_finish(data,successfunction,errorfunction,firstrun) { if (firstrun) { capi_finish_runs=0; } try { hiddenDiv = document.getElementById('APIEventDiv'); if (hiddenDiv.innerText != data) { capi_finish_runs=0; var res=hiddenDiv.innerText.split(';'); if (res[0] == "RESULT") successfunction(res[1]); else successfunction(""); return; } } catch(err) { capi_finish_runs=10; // out } if (capi_finish_runs++ > 10) { capi_finish_runs=0; errorfunction(); return; } //setTimeout("CAPI_finish("+data+","+successfunction+","+errorfunction+",0)", 50); setTimeout(function(){CAPI_finish(data,successfunction,errorfunction,0);}, 50); } function sendCAPI(data,successfunction,errorfunction) { hiddenDiv = document.getElementById('APIEventDiv'); hiddenDiv.innerText = data; hiddenDiv.dispatchEvent(APIEvent); CAPI_finish(data,successfunction,errorfunction,1); } function chrome_api_ready() { // checking if upgrade required var API_v=document.getElementById('APIVersion'); if (API_v != undefined) { if (API_v.innerText < 1.8) { //Tip('Chrome API extension out of date ('+API_v.innerText+')
Please update the Chrome API extension to version 1.8.
You can install the extension now, please make sure to RELOAD this website after installation.
To install open your extension settings and drag-drop the downloaded extension into the browser settings window.

Please note: the extension does not read or access any of your websites or data.
',DURATION,0,CLICKCLOSE,0,CLOSEBTN,1,TITLE,'API extension requires update',STICKY,1,WIDTH,600,EXCLUSIVE,1,CENTERWINDOW,1,CLOSEBTNTEXT,'CLOSE',BGCOLOR,'#FF4040'); Tip('Chrome extension out of date ('+API_v.innerText+')
Please update the US-Proxies extension to version 1.8.
You can install the extension from the Chrome store as well, please make sure to RELOAD this website after installation.
To install open your extension settings and drag-drop the downloaded extension into the browser settings window.

Please note: the extension does not read or access any of your websites or data.
',DURATION,0,CLICKCLOSE,0,CLOSEBTN,1,TITLE,'US-Proxies extension requires update',STICKY,1,WIDTH,600,EXCLUSIVE,1,CENTERWINDOW,1,CLOSEBTNTEXT,'CLOSE',BGCOLOR,'#FF4040'); return 2; } } else { alert('Please report APIVersion Error 1001 to customer support'); } a_r = document.getElementById('APIEnabled'); if (a_r != undefined) if (a_r.innerText == "1") return 1; return 0; } function ff_api_ready() { var version=ext_get_version('firefox'); if (version < 1.5) // version = 0 means not installed { Tip('Firefox API extension out of date or not installed ('+version+')
Please update the Firefox API extension to version 1.5.
Install Addon, please make sure to restart your browser after installation.

Please note: the extension does not read or access any of your websites or data.
',DURATION,0,CLICKCLOSE,0,CLOSEBTN,1,TITLE,'API extension requires update/installation',STICKY,1,WIDTH,600,EXCLUSIVE,1,CENTERWINDOW,1,CLOSEBTNTEXT,'CLOSE',BGCOLOR,'#FF4040'); } else { return 1; } } // =============== proxy tab scripts ======================= function ff_changeProxy(http, port, type) { ff_element.setAttribute("http", http); ff_element.setAttribute("port", port); ff_element.setAttribute("type", type); // finally fire event return true means connected (event processed) if(ff_element.dispatchEvent(ff_evt)) { if (ff_element.getAttribute("msg") != null) Tip(''+ff_element.getAttribute("msg"),DURATION,2000); testip(0,1); } } function noproxy() { if (test_browser() == "chrome") { var c_ext_rdy=chrome_api_ready(); if (c_ext_rdy == 1) { //Tip('Chrome support soon',DURATION,2000); sendCAPI('noproxy',function(msg){Tip(''+msg,DURATION,2000);testip(0,1);},function(err){alert(err);testip(0,1);}); //Tip('Browser configured successfully: '+result,DURATION,2000); } else { if (c_ext_rdy != 2) Tip('Chrome API extension missing.
Please install the Chrome API extension to use our automated proxy configuration features.
You can install the extension now, please make sure to RELOAD this website after installation.
To install open your extension settings and drag-drop the downloaded extension into the browser settings window.

Please note: the extension does not read or access any of your websites or data.
',DURATION,0,CLICKCLOSE,0,CLOSEBTN,1,TITLE,'API extension requires installation',STICKY,1,WIDTH,600,EXCLUSIVE,1,CENTERWINDOW,1,CLOSEBTNTEXT,'CLOSE',BGCOLOR,'#FF4040'); } } else if (test_browser() == "firefox") { var ff_ext_rdy=ff_api_ready(); if (ff_ext_rdy == 1) { ff_changeProxy('', 0, 'noproxy'); } } else { try { netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalPreferencesWrite'); netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect'); var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService); prefs = prefs.getBranch("network.proxy."); prefs.setIntPref('type',0); //navigator.preference('network.proxy.type',0); Tip('Configuration changed',DURATION,2000); // testip(0,1); } catch (e) { if (test_browser() == "mozilla") Tip('Browser configuration missing
To use the automated browser configuration your browser has to allow it.
Open the URL \"about:config\" and change the configuration as in this screenshot:
',DURATION,0,CLICKCLOSE,0,CLOSEBTN,1,TITLE,'Permission error',STICKY,1,WIDTH,480,EXCLUSIVE,1,CENTERWINDOW,1,CLOSEBTNTEXT,'CLOSE',BGCOLOR,'#FF4040'); else alert("No Mozilla/Chrome browser detected! You need Firefox ( < 15.0.1) /Chrome or a compatible browser to use the automated configuration features. Please configure the proxy setting manually."); } } } function proxycfg(host,port,type) { if (type == null) type='http'; if (test_browser() == "chrome") { var c_ext_rdy=chrome_api_ready(); if (c_ext_rdy == 1) { sendCAPI('proxycfg,'+host+','+port+','+type,function(msg){Tip(''+msg,DURATION,2000);testip(0,1);},function(err){alert(err);testip(0,1);}); } else { if (c_ext_rdy != 2) Tip('Chrome API extension missing
To use the automated browser configuration in Chrome your browser requires our API extension.
You can install the extension now, please make sure to RELOAD this website after installation.
You need to allow the installation (Click Continue after clicking the install link)

Please note: the extension does not read or access any of your websites or data.
',DURATION,0,CLICKCLOSE,0,CLOSEBTN,1,TITLE,'Permission error',STICKY,1,WIDTH,600,EXCLUSIVE,1,CENTERWINDOW,1,CLOSEBTNTEXT,'CLOSE',BGCOLOR,'#FF4040'); } } else if (test_browser() == "firefox") { var ff_ext_rdy=ff_api_ready(); if (ff_ext_rdy == 1) { ff_changeProxy(host, port, type); } } else { try { netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalPreferencesWrite'); netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect'); var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService); prefs = prefs.getBranch("network.proxy."); prefs.setIntPref('type',1); //navigator.preference('network.proxy.type',1); if (type =='http') { prefs.setCharPref('http',host); prefs.setCharPref('ssl',host); prefs.setCharPref('ftp',host); prefs.setCharPref('socks',''); prefs.setIntPref('http_port',port); prefs.setIntPref('ssl_port',port); prefs.setIntPref('ftp_port',port); } if (type == 'socks') { prefs.setCharPref('http',''); prefs.setCharPref('ssl',''); prefs.setCharPref('ftp',''); prefs.setCharPref('socks',host); prefs.setIntPref('socks_port',port); } //navigator.preference('network.proxy.no_proxies_on','us-proxies.com,www.us-proxies.com,us.us-proxies.com,us-proxies.com'); prefs.setCharPref('no_proxies_on','us-proxies.com,www.us-proxies.com,us.us-proxies.com,us-proxies.com'); Tip('Browser configured successfully',DURATION,2000); testip(0,1); } catch (e) { if (test_browser() == "mozilla") Tip('Browser configuration missing
To use the automated browser configuration your browser has to allow it.
Open the URL \"about:config\" and change the configuration as in this screenshot:
',DURATION,0,CLICKCLOSE,0,CLOSEBTN,1,TITLE,'Permission error',STICKY,1,WIDTH,480,EXCLUSIVE,1,CENTERWINDOW,1,CLOSEBTNTEXT,'CLOSE',BGCOLOR,'#FF4040'); else alert("No Mozilla/Chrome browser detected! You need Firefox ( < 15.0.1) /Chrome or a compatible browser to use the automated configuration features. Please configure the proxy setting manually."); } } } function load_actives(data,initiate) { if (initiate==1) { jifGet( '/index.php',{'async': '1','uid' : '-1','pwd' : 'd24479f7966bddb4e57451b8e35bb16d', 'list_page' : '0','now': unix_timestamp(), 'table_actives': '1' }, function (rq){load_actives(rq.responseText,0);}); return; } id=document.getElementById('activated_ips'); id.innerHTML=data; //
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'+name,DURATION,0,CLICKCLOSE,1,CLOSEBTN,1,TITLE,'Request was denied',STICKY,1,WIDTH,450,EXCLUSIVE,1,CENTERWINDOW,1,CLOSEBTNTEXT,'CLOSE',BGCOLOR,'#FF4040',FIX, [10,300]); } } function comment_del(name,initiate) { if (initiate==1) { jifGet( '/index.php',{'api': '1','uid' : '-1','pwd' : 'd24479f7966bddb4e57451b8e35bb16d','now': unix_timestamp(), cmd : 'comment','ip': name }, function (rq){api_activate(rq.responseText,0,0);}); return; } if(name.indexOf('ERROR:') == -1) { load_actives(0,1); UnTip(); Tip(name,DURATION,2000,CLICKCLOSE,1,EXCLUSIVE,1); } else { load_actives(0,1); Tip('Server response
'+name,DURATION,0,CLICKCLOSE,1,CLOSEBTN,1,TITLE,'Request was denied',STICKY,1,WIDTH,450,EXCLUSIVE,1,CENTERWINDOW,1,CLOSEBTNTEXT,'CLOSE',BGCOLOR,'#FF4040',FIX, [10,300]); } } function api_activate(name,initiate) { if (initiate==1) { jifGet( '/index.php',{'api': '1','uid' : '-1','pwd' : 'd24479f7966bddb4e57451b8e35bb16d','now': unix_timestamp(), cmd : 'activate','name': name }, function (rq){api_activate(rq.responseText,0);}); return; } if(name.indexOf('ERROR:') == -1) { load_actives(0,1); UnTip(); Tip(name,DURATION,2000,CLICKCLOSE,1,EXCLUSIVE,1); } else { load_actives(0,1); Tip('Server response
'+name,DURATION,0,CLICKCLOSE,1,CLOSEBTN,1,TITLE,'Request was denied',STICKY,1,WIDTH,450,EXCLUSIVE,1,CENTERWINDOW,1,CLOSEBTNTEXT,'CLOSE',BGCOLOR,'#FF4040',FIX, [10,300]); } } function api_multi_activate(name,initiate,multi) { if (initiate==1) { if (multi > 1) jifGet( '/index.php',{'api': '1','uid' : '-1','pwd' : 'd24479f7966bddb4e57451b8e35bb16d','now': unix_timestamp(), cmd : 'multi_activate','name': name, 'multi' : multi }, function (rq){api_activate(rq.responseText,0,0);}); else jifGet( '/index.php',{'api': '1','uid' : '-1','pwd' : 'd24479f7966bddb4e57451b8e35bb16d','now': unix_timestamp(), cmd : 'activate','name': name }, function (rq){api_activate(rq.responseText,0,0);}); return; } if(name.indexOf('ERROR:') == -1) { load_actives(0,1); UnTip(); Tip(name,DURATION,2000,CLICKCLOSE,1,EXCLUSIVE,1); } else { Tip('Server response
'+name,DURATION,0,CLICKCLOSE,1,CLOSEBTN,1,TITLE,'Request was denied',STICKY,1,WIDTH,450,EXCLUSIVE,1,CENTERWINDOW,1,CLOSEBTNTEXT,'CLOSE',BGCOLOR,'#FF4040',FIX, [10,300]); } } function api_deactivate(name,initiate) { if (initiate==1) { jifGet( '/index.php',{'api': '1','uid' : '-1','pwd' : 'd24479f7966bddb4e57451b8e35bb16d','now' : unix_timestamp(), cmd : 'deactivate','name': name }, function (rq){api_deactivate(rq.responseText,0);}); return; } if(name.indexOf('ERROR:') == -1) { load_actives(0,1); load_inactives(0,1); UnTip(); Tip(name,DURATION,2000,CLICKCLOSE,1,EXCLUSIVE,1); testip(0,1); } else { Tip('Server response
'+name,DURATION,0,CLICKCLOSE,1,CLOSEBTN,1,TITLE,'Request was denied',STICKY,1,WIDTH,450,EXCLUSIVE,1,CENTERWINDOW,1,CLOSEBTNTEXT,'CLOSE',BGCOLOR,'#FF4040',FIX, [10,300]); } } function api_reserve(name,initiate) { if (initiate==1) { jifGet( '/index.php',{'api': '1','uid' : '-1','pwd' : 'd24479f7966bddb4e57451b8e35bb16d','now' : unix_timestamp(), cmd : 'reserve','name': name }, function (rq){api_deactivate(rq.responseText,0);}); return; } if(name.indexOf('ERROR:') == -1) { load_actives(0,1); load_inactives(0,1); UnTip(); Tip(name,DURATION,2000,CLICKCLOSE,1,EXCLUSIVE,1); testip(0,1); } else { Tip('Server response
'+name,DURATION,0,CLICKCLOSE,1,CLOSEBTN,1,TITLE,'Request was denied',STICKY,1,WIDTH,450,EXCLUSIVE,1,CENTERWINDOW,1,CLOSEBTNTEXT,'CLOSE',BGCOLOR,'#FF4040',FIX, [10,300]); } } function api_start(name,initiate) { if (initiate==1) { jifGet( '/index.php',{'api': '1','uid' : '-1','pwd' : 'd24479f7966bddb4e57451b8e35bb16d', 'now' : unix_timestamp(), cmd : 'start','name': name }, function (rq){api_start(rq.responseText,0);}); return; } if(name.indexOf('ERROR:') == -1) { load_actives(0,1); UnTip(); Tip(name,DURATION,2000,CLICKCLOSE,1,EXCLUSIVE,1); testip(0,1); } else { Tip('Server response
'+name,DURATION,0,CLICKCLOSE,1,CLOSEBTN,1,TITLE,'Request was denied',STICKY,1,WIDTH,450,EXCLUSIVE,1,CENTERWINDOW,1,CLOSEBTNTEXT,'CLOSE',BGCOLOR,'#FF4040',FIX, [10,300]); } } function api_stop(name,initiate) { if (initiate==1) { jifGet( '/index.php',{'api': '1','uid' : '-1','pwd' : 'd24479f7966bddb4e57451b8e35bb16d','now' : unix_timestamp(), cmd : 'stop','name': name }, function (rq){api_stop(rq.responseText,0);}); return; } if(name.indexOf('ERROR:') == -1) { load_actives(0,1); UnTip(); Tip(name,DURATION,2000,CLICKCLOSE,1,EXCLUSIVE,1); testip(0,1); } else { Tip('Server response
'+name,DURATION,0,CLICKCLOSE,1,CLOSEBTN,1,TITLE,'Request was denied',STICKY,1,WIDTH,450,EXCLUSIVE,1,CENTERWINDOW,1,CLOSEBTNTEXT,'CLOSE',BGCOLOR,'#FF4040',FIX, [10,300]); } } function api_rotate(data,initiate) { if (initiate==1) { Tip('waiting ...',EXCLUSIVE,1,DURATION,10000); jifGet( '/index.php',{'api': '1','uid' : '-1','pwd' : 'd24479f7966bddb4e57451b8e35bb16d','now' : unix_timestamp(), cmd : 'rotate','randomness': '0' }, function (rq){api_rotate(rq.responseText,0);}); return; } if(name.indexOf('ERROR:') == -1) { load_actives(0,1); UnTip(); Tip(data,DURATION,2000,CLICKCLOSE,1,EXCLUSIVE,1); testip(0,1); } else { Tip('Server response
'+data,DURATION,0,CLICKCLOSE,1,CLOSEBTN,1,TITLE,'Request was denied',STICKY,1,WIDTH,450,EXCLUSIVE,1,CENTERWINDOW,1,CLOSEBTNTEXT,'CLOSE',BGCOLOR,'#FF4040',FIX, [10,300]); } } var autorotate_step=2*1000; var autorotate_left=0; var autorotate_interval=0; var autorotate_object=null; function autorotate(interval,objectid,initiated) { if (initiated==1) { autorotate_left=interval*1000; autorotate_interval=interval*1000; autorotate_object=objectid; if (autorotate_object) { autorotate_object.innerHTML='started ..'; } setTimeout("autorotate(0,0,0)",autorotate_step); return; } if (autorotate_interval == 0) { if (autorotate_object) { autorotate_object.innerHTML='stopped ..'; } return; } if (autorotate_left <= 0) { autorotate_left=autorotate_interval; if (autorotate_object) { autorotate_object.innerHTML='rotating..'; } api_rotate(1,1); } else { if (autorotate_object) { autorotate_object.innerHTML='in '+autorotate_left / 1000+' sec'; } autorotate_left-=autorotate_step; } setTimeout("autorotate(0,0,0)",autorotate_step); } // ==================================================== function createCookie(name,value,days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else var expires = ""; document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/"; } function readCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } return null; } function eraseCookie(name) { createCookie(name,"",-1); } function grayOut(vis, options) { // Pass true to gray out screen, false to ungray // options are optional. This is a JSON object with the following (optional) properties // opacity:0-100 // Lower number = less grayout higher = more of a blackout // zindex: # // HTML elements with a higher zindex appear on top of the gray out // bgcolor: (#xxxxxx) // Standard RGB Hex color code // grayOut(true, {'zindex':'50', 'bgcolor':'#0000FF', 'opacity':'70'}); // Because options is JSON opacity/zindex/bgcolor are all optional and can appear // in any order. Pass only the properties you need to set. var options = options || {}; var zindex = options.zindex || 50; var opacity = options.opacity || 70; var opaque = (opacity / 100); var bgcolor = options.bgcolor || '#000000'; var dark=document.getElementById('darkenScreenObject'); if (!dark) { // The dark layer doesn't exist, it's never been created. So we'll // create it here and apply some basic styles. // If you are getting errors in IE see: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/927917 var tbody = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; var tnode = document.createElement('div'); // Create the layer. tnode.style.position='absolute'; // Position absolutely tnode.style.top='0px'; // In the top tnode.style.left='0px'; // Left corner of the page tnode.style.overflow='hidden'; // Try to avoid making scroll bars tnode.style.display='none'; // Start out Hidden tnode.id='darkenScreenObject'; // Name it so we can find it later tbody.appendChild(tnode); // Add it to the web page dark=document.getElementById('darkenScreenObject'); // Get the object. } if (vis) { // Calculate the page width and height if( document.body && ( document.body.scrollWidth || document.body.scrollHeight ) ) { var pageWidth = document.body.scrollWidth+'px'; var pageHeight = document.body.scrollHeight+'px'; } else if( document.body.offsetWidth ) { var pageWidth = document.body.offsetWidth+'px'; var pageHeight = document.body.offsetHeight+'px'; } else { var pageWidth='100%'; var pageHeight='100%'; } var pageWidth='100%'; var pageHeight='100%'; //set the shader to cover the entire page and make it visible. dark.style.opacity=opaque; dark.style.MozOpacity=opaque; dark.style.filter='alpha(opacity='+opacity+')'; dark.style.zIndex=zindex; dark.style.backgroundColor=bgcolor; dark.style.width= pageWidth; dark.style.height= pageHeight; dark.style.display='block'; dark.style.position='fixed'; } else { dark.style.display='none'; } }